Six Steps to Anti-Icing Success, Part 3

5. Start Small – Think Big

It is important when integrating new methodologies into your winter operations to not bite off more than you can chew. This is especially true when thinking of adopting liquid strategies. A phased approach provides the snow contractor an opportunity to get used to the new tools and applications gradually. For instance, SnowEx suggests starting with stockpile treating and pre-wetting solids at the spinner when deicing before making the move to incorporate anti-icing strategies. When you are ready to make that move, sidewalks are a good place to get your feet wet. Sidewalk equipment is more affordable and provides feature capabilities such as treating curb-to-sidewalk transitions, unattainable with solid deicer applications. The application scope is smaller, the risks more manageable and the potential ROI greater. Once comfortable with handling the new materials and equipment the next step will be much less daunting. It is often easier and involves less risk to begin by purchasing reputable brine or engineered liquids that offer reliable supply and consistency. This approach involves less initial start-up cost and offers maximum flexibility to learn the ropes. Over the long run, and with the proper equipment, the contractor who learns to make and store his own brine will optimize cost effectiveness.

6. Train Your Crews 

There are increasing resources and training programs on anti-icing in the industry. Seek them out and use them to train your crews. Hand in hand with this training, implement monitoring and control mechanisms to track material usage. If your team doesn’t understand the value of the process and how it works, and if you don’t track the amount of material used, they won’t dial back on the amount of salt spread, and you will not reap the savings you should by incorporating anti-icing into your operations. Education is the key to success. For manufacturer, property owner and contractor alike, anti-icing offers a ‘win-win’ for all concerned.
Original article can be found here: